Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Eddie and Liz Animation

Eddie and Liz from Daniel Ghan on Vimeo.

This is why I haven't posted anything for the past week or so. I've been spending my time taking the characters I created then and named Eddie and Liz (Eddie has already appeared in my previous post) and making them have a conversation. First I had to find a girl who had enough time to be the voice of Liz. That was surprisingly hard, so when I got a recording I went ahead and used it. This is why the quality of the sound is not great: there was way too much background noise, and when being Eddie's voice, I made his first question sound like a statement. I would have gotten better sound if I'd had time. Anyway, after that it was a matter of importing everything into Flash and making 12 mouths for different emotions and sounds. For anyone who knows how to use Flash, almost everything I did after importing involved Symbol Swap.

Overall, I thought it turned out fairly well. I wrote a script beforehand, and the girl who helped me did a great job reading her part.

Once again, Mr. Sands has given us 6 questions to answer, so here are the answers to those that I haven't addressed above: if I did this again, I might add more sets of mouths to show more complicated emotions (I only had 2 sets in this animation). Animating the mouths was easily the hardest part, simply because it's so time-consuming. And to complete the project I had to learn the basics of Flash, since this is the 1st time I've ever used the program.

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