Friday, March 4, 2011


The assignment was to make something entirely out of text. Mr. Sands let me keep the oval in the middle (which is supposed to be an inter-dimensional portal or whatever else you decide) because it looked cool and there's no way to turn it into text without detracting from the effect. Basically for this, I took a photo of a classmate and used Type Mask to cover him with his name, then inverted the selection and pressed delete. Then I used Copy and Paste and Flip Horizontal and Invert to get the picture on the left. Everything worked as I wanted it to (except a small hitch when I accidentally set the horizontal stretch on the Type Mask to 0% and it took me a while to realize why the etxt wasn't showing up), and, thanks to a cool font I found last year on an old diskette, I think it turned out quite well. The only thing I could really have done better is use a smaller font size to show more detail.

Once again, the answers to Mr. Sands's 6 questions. 4 of them were addressed in the paragraph above:

The hardest part was finding someone who wanted to be turned into text. To make this, I learned how to use Type Mask, and I fooled around with Outer Glow on the oval.

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